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  1. Freezing and Canning Workshop

    Gardeners and other lovers of fresh produce are often interested in extending the season's bounty by learning more about home-preserving fruits and vegetables. Now they can, by attending a "Freezing and Canning Workshop" presented by Ohio S ...

  2. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    Last week I participated in a Dairy Herd Health and Responsible Antibiotic Use workshop taught by Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension Dairy Veterinarian.  The take home message to those dairy producers in attendance was this:  develop her ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes: May 2, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines for more details. Horse Special Request Forms- Due to Extension Office Today May 2nd by 4:30 pm Hugh Kline Wayne County 4-H Endowment ...

  4. Wheat Field Day

    This program is free and open to the public. More information and registration here. Located at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station, a 247 acre ancient lakebed.  Program features:  Wheat Breeding Nitrogen and Sulfer Management Disease Identificati ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices

    The OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team educates growers of fresh produce about Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). Learn about the scientific basis behind best practices and get helpful tools and resources to promote high-quality, safe produce from Ohio ...

  6. Skillathon Committee


  7. Camp Registration and Scholarship Forms

    2016 Kelleys Island camp registration and camp scholarship forms are now available!!  This year's camp will be Tuesday June 28-Friday July 1.  Forms are avilable through the link below, the camp tab under 4-H Youth Development, or under forms in 4-H ...

  8. Dog Project Paperwork and Horse and Cattle reminders

    The dog department has three forms that all dog project exhibitors need to fill out and turn into the Extension Office by April 30, along with a front and side picture of the dog.  Please make sure to have your name and club on the back of the picture as ...

  9. Letter from Nicole and Showorks Instructions

    Showorks will be active starting May 1, 2016 for members to make livestock entries.  Nicole has included a letter to families about the upcoming fair and instructions for Showorks entries.  All entries must be submitted to Showorks by  JUNE 15, 2016.   Th ...

  10. CARTEENS Scholarship Opportunity

    The Seneca County 4-H CARTEENS program is offering two $500.00 scholarships to eligible high school graduates or who plan to attend post-secondary education in the fall of the current year.  Application must be received in the Seneca County Extension Offi ...
