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  1. Associate Dean's Coffee Hour, Oct. 24

    Based on feedback, there will be more opportunities to chat informally with the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education. ...

  2. Two technology sessions from ODEE

    ODEE will be coming up to Wooster on Nov. 13th to offer two sessions. ...

  3. Lunch and Learn: Online Science Labs

    Soil science, while complex in theory, can be explored at the beginner’s level in a kitchen, in a hands-on way, with very simple tools, and provide the same amount of insight as a class at an R1 university teaching lab.  ...

  4. ATI Faculty & Staff Book Club announces book choices

    The ATI Book Club for Faculty and Staff invite all to read with us.  We meet at noon in the ATI Library. ...

  5. Congratulations, Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team!

    Please congratulate the Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team for their performance in the Traditional and Practical dairy cattle judging contest at World Dairy Expo – September 30 and October 1 – in Madison, Wisconsin.  ...

  6. October 24, 2018


  7. Sexual Misconduct Training on Oct. 26, 2018

    Please plan to attend the instructor-led training on the university’s Sexual Misconduct Policy on October 26, 2018.  ...

  8. Why Urban Matters to Our Future Success

    The 2018 National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA) and Cooperative Extension Section (CES) Business Meeting took place the first week of October in Portland Oregon. The group met to conduct business, contribute to national dialogue, and expan ...

  9. Minimum Wage Increase

    All new employees hired on or after November 11, 2018 need to be hired at or above the new minimum wage of $8.55/hour. ...

  10. FAFSA and ATI Scholarship Application available for students

    Please encourage students to complete the 2019-2020 FAFSA application, the ATI Scholarship application, and the OSU Special Scholarship application. ...
