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  1. Small Business Innovation Research- New Initiative to Launch in Ohio!

    Did you know that nearly half (46%) of Ohio’s workforce is employed by small business enterprises? According to the Small Business Administration, Ohio is home to 927,691 small businesses, roughly 80% of all business in Ohio. In 2018 I will be working wit ...

  2. PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology

    Find your article:   Need a  psychology database?   First, go to the Ebsco databases Check the boxes for the following: Academic Search Complete MedLine with Full Text Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Co ...

  3. Working Together for Weinland Park

    Approximately three dozen Weinland Park residents and representatives of the Weinland Park Collaborative met with Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther and Carla Williams-Scott, director of the Department of Neighborhoods, on January 18 in City Hall. The resident ...

  4. Daniel Voltz, Ph.D.

    Daniel Voltz, Ph.D. Associate Professor- Horticultural Technologies Division (Landscape) 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1293 Ph.D., Colorado State University Turfgrass Management ...

  5. Mark Schleppi

    Mark Schleppi Agronomy Program Specialist 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1310 ...

  6. Jill Gallion

    Jill Gallion Information Associate- Academic Affairs 1328 Dover Road, Halterman Hall 219, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1303 ...

  7. Food Label Lingo

    Each time you enter a supermarket, you are faced with nearly 40,000 products to choose from. Each product brightly colored, strategically placed and wordsmithed perfectly to convince you not to leave the store without it. So, how as consumers can we decip ...

  8. Communicating to be Understood Online

    How we communicate with each other, whether it is a co-worker or spouse, can make or break a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your strengths to build relationships with your team and inc ...

  9. D. R Elder, Ph.D.

    D. R Elder, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Coordinator, Humanities and Social Sciences 1328 Dover Road, Halterman Hall, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1322 Courses Taught: Gen Hum T1190.01 and FAES 3797 11th Annual Ghana Study Abroad: The Art ...

  10. Michael Amstutz, Ph.D.

    Michael Amstutz, Ph.D. Professor and Coordinator, Livestock Sciences 1328 Dover Road, Halterman Hall, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1380 B.S., Willmington College Ph.D., The Ohio State University Animal Health Specialization Hoof-n-Hide Cl ...
