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  1. 2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference Presentations

    The following presentations were given during the 2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference February 22-23, 2014 in Toledo, Ohio. The event was coordinated through a partnership with the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center and the Indiana, ...

  2. Scholarship Golf Outing Set for July 22

    Ohio State ATI's 21st annual golf outing for scholarships, the ATI Scholarship Cup, will be held on Tuesday, July 22 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course. "Scholarship support is extremely important to our students," said outing organizer France ...

  3. Welcome to News from Ohio State ATI

    Welcome to the inaugural issue of News from Ohio State AT I!.  The chief goal of this newsletter is to get better connected with our alumni. We want to keep you informed about what's happening at Ohio State ATI and hope that you will in turn keep us ...

  4. Plant Pathology Awards at CFAES Banquet

    John Schoenhals (Plant Pathology) was named one of 20 Outstanding Seniors in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and a  Newcomb Scholar (highest GPA), and he recognized Monica Lewandowski as the mentor who contributed to his succ ...

  5. Dale Leppo receives CFAES award

    Dale Leppo, a tireless supporter of Ohio State ATI and a leader in the power equipment industry, is the recipient of the 2014 College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Meritorious Service to Students Award. The FAES Student Council recogni ...

  6. Dairy Cattle Judging Team has Successful Year

    The 2013 Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team put in a great showing  this fall. The team participated in contests at World Dairy Expo (Madison, WI – September 30),  the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (Harrisburg, PA – September 9), and the Nort ...

  7. CFAES Recognition Banquet, Ohio Union


  8. Plant Pathology and Horticulture and Crop Science Student Recognition

    Ice cream social, Kottman Hall Outdoor Gazebo/First Floor Lobby ...

  9. Seminar, Hannah Reynolds, Postdoctoral Researcher, Plant Pathology, Ohio State

    Saprotrophy of the White-nose Syndrome fungus and implications for bats. 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...

  10. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    Brandon Parks '13 (landscape horticulture)  was recently named the winner of a design competition conducted by A. I. Root Company in Medina, Ohio. The project which, sought to bring their history as candle makers and bee stewards together in a projec ...
