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What Will It Be Today? Conflict, Compete, or Collaborate
There are many choices to be made in the workplace. The workplace can be a breeding ground for conflict due to different personality and communication styles. We can choose to ignore or accelerate conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict t ...
Conflict Management for Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders
Who should attend? Supervisors (current & aspiring), Work Team Members, Directors/Administrators, "Front-line" Staff Why attend? Conflict is a part of our lives and is one of the biggest distracters of success and overall productivity in t ...
What is Your Personality Color Spectrum?
The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better understand themselves and others. In our interactive workshops, participants are introduced to the different personality styles using the language of color. ...
Millennials @ Work
Who are these new employees in your workplace? How do you relate to or manage this latest generation to enter the workforce? These younger employees are technologically wired, highly educated and eager to make a difference in their workplace. This highly ...
She Said, He Said, What? Gender and Communication (On-Line Workshop)
Have you ever heard the saying: Men are from Mars and women are from Venus? Women and Men communicate differently and to co-exist successfully, we need to be aware of each others' styles of communication (non-verbal and verbal) to avoid miscommunic ...
Strengths Finder
"You get what you focus on."-Vannoy & Ross, 2008 As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of t ...
Strengths Finder
"You get what you focus on."-Vannoy & Ross, 2008 As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of t ...
Vinyl Chloride
GENERAL INFORMATION Vinyl chloride is a colorless organic gas with a sweet odor. Vinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of numerous products in building construction, automotive industry, electrical wire insulation and cables, piping, industrial and ho ...
TTHMs (Total trihalomethanes)
GENERAL INFORMATION Trihalomethane occur when naturally-occurring organic and inorganic materials in the water react with the disinfectants, chlorine and chloramine. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing total trihalomethanes in excess of ...
GENERAL INFORMATION 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, a volatile organic chemical is a liquid with a chloroform-like odor. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is used to make vinylidene chloride which is in turn used to make synthetic fibers and plastic wraps. It is also used in ...