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Search results

  1. Business Management

    Ohio State ATI offers an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management. Students pursue one of two specializations in the major to gain more knowledge about a specific industry. See the links at the right for the course sequence / curriculum in each ...

  2. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the state run or are involved in local leadership programs. ...

  3. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    WOOSTER, Ohio--  James Kinder,  interim director of the  Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute  (Ohio State ATI), has been elected as Fellow of the  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), honored by his peers as a sig ...

  4. Educational Resources

    Peer-Reviewed Bulletin: Comprehensive Planning based on Sustainability: A Model for Ohio Communities. Moss, M. L., (2016). This Bulletin provides an overview of methods and a process to incorporate sustainability principles into comprehensive community pl ...

  5. Research

      Class Guides:  Find resources and links for your class. Find a Book: Learn how to use the online catalog to search books only at ATI. Can't find what you need? Expand your search to all OSU campuses, OhioLINK, or Search Ohio and get your books deli ...

  6. Letter from the Director

    I frequently am asked the question by those from outside the University what I do when most of the students are away from campus during the summer months. This has been a particularly busy summer for me in my role as Interim Director at Ohio State ATI. Th ...

  7. BTES Leadership Program featured in Business Officer Magazine

    “Look-Ahead Leadership,” a leadership program conducted for the College of Wooster by Ohio State ATI's   Business Training and Educational Services (BTES), was featured in the July-August 2013 issue of Business Officer, the monthly flagship magazine ...

  8. ATI's Peggy Lambert receives Distinguished Staff Award

    Peggy Lambert, academic records coordinator at Ohio State ATI, is one of four CFAES recipients of the  2013 Distinguished Staff Awards. The annual awards recognize 12 university staff members, who have had five years of continuous service, for exceptional ...

  9. ATI students designing bee-friendly landscape for A.I. Root

    What do candles and flowers have in common (besides romantic candlelight dinners)? Bees, of course, and the  A.I. Root Company  in Medina has sought to bring its history as a  cand le maker and bee steward together in a project involving ATI's landsc ...

  10. Energy Infrastructure Workshop

    To help keep landowners and public officials such as county commissioners, township trustees, state representatives and economic development directors informed about the potential impact of energy development in their communities, Ohio State University Ex ...
