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  1. Dining with Diabetes- Spring

    Participants will learn about signs of diabetes and possible complications, and ways they can manage the condition, including simple steps to control portions and the importance of getting regular exercise. In addition, the presentations will include a he ...

  2. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

    This intensive conference will give you the opportunity to choose from different seminars taught by Extension professionals and industry leaders on a wide variety of agricultural enterprises.  Friday, March 13 we have three hands-on “In the Field” worksho ...

  3. Youth Protection Training


  4. Farm Forum Meeting

           The Feb. 23 Greene Co. Farm Forum meeting will focus on farm safety and will include a tour of the New Jasper Fire Dept.?s Farm Rescue Trailer and Grain Rescue Equipment. Those wanting to eat a meal as part of the program need to contact Paul Ayres ...

  5. Re-Envisioning Committee issues report

    Last November, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has launched a “re-envisioning” process that seeks to solidify Ohio State ATI’s pole position in its field  —  and to better align it with changes in its student population, emer ...

  6. MGV Meeting

    Youth Protection Training will be conducted for all volunteers in attendance. This is a new requirement of The Ohio State University. ...

  7. Maple Resources

    Maple Fact Sheets Maple Producers Associations Maple Production Maple Publications Maple Research Centers Maple Fact Sheets Hobby Maple Syrup Production Maple Candy & Other Confections Maple Syrup Fact Sheet with Sample Label (ODA) Keeping Lead Out of ...

  8. Maple Facts

    Ohio Maple Facts: 4th Largest Producing State in the United States Produce 100,000 Gallons Annually 5 Million Dollar Industry to Ohio’s Economy Approximately 900 Producers Typical Production Information Typical Production Information 5-45 gallons of sap 1 ...

  9. About Maple

    The commercial production of maple products in North America occurs primarily in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. This is the geographic area of greatest abundance of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and black maple (Acer nigrum), the t ...

  10. 4-H Volunteer Trianing- New(er) Orientation

    All new(er) volunteers are encouraged to attend this trianing. ...
