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  1. Integrated Disease Management Helps Ohio’s Grape Industry Thrive

    Grape production in Ohio is impossible without managing at least five distinct diseases simultaneously each year with an integrated disease management program developed by OARDC and OSU Extension plant pathologists. Knowledge of disease and pathogen biolo ...

  2. No classes, University offices OPEN


  3. Ashlina Chin, MS Exit Seminar (F. Qu, advisor)

    121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus). Evaulation of the Retention of Human Pathogenic Caliciviruses on Leafy Greens weakened by Phytopathogens. ...

  4. Jonathan Gershenzon, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany

    Selby 203 (Wooster) videolinked to 102 Rightmire Hall (Columbus).Enzyme recruitment and the evolution of plant defense pathways.  Invited speaker, Center for Applied Plant Sciences and the Department of Plant Pathology. ...

  5. Citation Help

    Citation Help (MLA)     Commonly accepted facts do not need to be cited (The sky is blue.)     Cite ideas that are not your own, whether you paraphrase or directly quote them     Cite things within your paper (in-text) and at the end (Works Cited page)    ...

  6. Records Management

    The Ohio State University General Records Retention Schedule as of March 15 2013 Ohio State’s General Records Retention Schedule (General Schedule) accounts for the management and disposition of university record series that are common to many units acros ...

  7. Reports

    Annual Report The annual report gives a snapshot of the library for the year and includes statistics from every facet of the library including traffic count, collection, ILL (InterLibrary Loan), A-V, circulation, reference, instruction, tutorials, etc. 20 ...

  8. My Story, My Fit

    The student experience in the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ...

  9. Meet Elizabeth

    Elizabeth shares her amazing journey as a plant pathology student ...

  10. Plant Pathology Opportunities

    Ohio State students share the impact of their research. Video contest award, 2012, Office of Public Relations and Outreach, American Phytopathological Society ...
