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Search results

  1. News: David Willoughby Received Lifetime Achievement Award from Ohio Turfgrass Foundation

    David Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for more than 20 years. Nearly 1,000 students have graduated from the program during his tenure and his students have gone on to have successful careers in the in ...

  2. Forecasting Ohio 2035

    A key component of the futuring phase of the VP Conversation strategic foresight project was identifying the most challenging trends and issues, referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. Asking the question “What will be the most imp ...

  3. Extension Promotion Workshop

    Hosted by OSUE Promotion and Tenure Committee ...

  4. Extension Promotion and Tenure Committee fall meeting


  5. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...

  6. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...

  7. News: Applications sought for Ohio State ATI Assistant Dairy Herd Manager

    Wooster, OHIO- Ohio State ATI is accepting applications for Assistant Manager Dairy Herd. The selected candidate will provide management support and assistance to all operations of the dairy herd and farm:  activities include care and use of the dairy her ...

  8. Turf and Ornamental Diseases and Pests In-Service

    The Departments of Plant Pathology and Entomology & the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic invite you to attend a day-long in-service on the identification and management of major diseases and pests of residential turf and landscape orna ...

  9. Planter U In-service Opportunity

    Please save the date for our Planter U in-service opportunity on February 27. The following day, we will hold a program directed for farmers and other industry professionals. Monday will be an afternoon program focused for OSUE educators with more engagem ...

  10. Flower Shop and Greenhouse Annual Holiday Sale

    Saturday, December 3rd 9:00am-1:00pm In the Greenhouse: POINSETTIAS in many sizes and colors grown by Ohio ATI Greenhouse Management students Including red, white, cinnamon, and marble And NEW miniature Poinsettia Trees! Plus potted succulents and housepl ...
