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  1. Thanksgiving Holiday- Office closed


  2. Labor Day Holiday- Office closed


  3. Fourth of July Holiday- Office closed


  4. Memorial Day Holiday- Office closed


  5. NEWS: Ohio State ATI Announces New Director

    WOOSTER, Ohio – Access, affordability and excellence are three major reasons the Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute’s incoming director sought the position. Kristina M. Boone, Communications and Agricultural Education department head i ...

  6. Dairy Cattle Judging Team sweeps national contests

    Ohio State ATI swept the three major dairy cattle judging competitions this year with their Nov. 8 win at the North American International Livestock Competition in Louisville, KY. The team won by an impressive 67-point margin in Louisville, topping the 64 ...

  7. Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City

    The Urban Sustainability Laboratory is hosting a webinar consisting of five experts on urban related research to discuss urban revitalization. For more information, and to RSVP online,  go here.  ...

  8. USDA Introduces New "Urban Agriculture Toolkit"

    The USDA has unveiled its new Urban Agriculture Toolkit. The information in this toolkit is useful in working towards strengthening the health and social fabric of communities while creating economic opportunities for farmers and neighborhoods in urban ar ...

  9. 2017 Ag Outlook

    To register download the flyer at 2017 Ag Outlook. What we’ll cover: Ohio Swine Production Update Speculation on President Trump’s Policy Agenda Examining Land Values, Cash Rents, Input Costs & Potential Crop Profitability in 2017 What Are Grain Marke ...

  10. Veterinary Feed Directive

    Attention 4-H members enrolled in cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, or beekeeping projects:  Starting January 1, 2017, you can no longer stop by a feed store and buy a bag of medicated feed containing certain types of antibiotics that were previously ...
