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Search results

  1. 2014 Academic Quadrathlon Registration Open

    Register before February 21, 2014, 5:00 p.m.! ...

  2. You are invited...Animal Sciences Recognition Banquet the 2nd Annual Recognition Banquet hosted by the Department of Animal Sciences. Prior to the banquet is the Livestock and Meats Judging Teams Reception. ...

  3. CFAES Grad Report Positive Jobs Outlook

    Graduating senior Jessica Rose will soon trade her backpack and classroom desks for a business suit and production lines  as one of the newest operations management trainees for Cargill Kitchen Solutions, a Minnesota-based food manufacturing company. To r ...

  4. CFAES Memories with Ellen Bergfeld, animal sciences alumna

    CFAES Memories with Ellen Bergfeld #BuckeyeForLife ...

  5. Series of Firsts to Begin 2014 OSU Livestock Judging Season

    One of many firsts as a result of the trip was setting an OSU team record by finishing seventh overall out of 22 teams in the livestock contest. ...

  6. Seminar: Ashley Markazi

    Effects of Whole Yeast Cell Product in Chickens Post-coccidial and Post-Salmonella Challenge ...

  7. News and Events

    Sheep Day is coming up, and alumni and students are making the news. ...

  8. Art Meets Meat

    How do art and agriculture relate? At Ohio State, that question is being considered under its Discovery Themes, and Dr. Lyda Garcia was involved in the conversation. Read about this and more about Dr. Garcia, our second-most-recent faculty hire. ...

  9. JAM 2015

    It's time to JAM! Ohio State is well represented in presentations at the upcoming ADSA-ASAS annual meeting. ...

  10. Recently Published

    Sakomura NK, Silva EP, Dorigam JCP, Gous RM, St-Pierre N. 2015. Modeling amino acid requirements of poultry. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 24(2):267-82. ...
