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Search results

  1. Quality Assurance Test-Out

    All market and lactating dairy animal exhibitors must attend a Quality Assurance Session within the State of Ohio in order to exhibit an animal at the Miami County Fair. The session must be conducted by a qualified instructor. Exhibitors ages 12-18 have t ...

  2. Quality Assurance Test-Out

    All market and lactating dairy animal exhibitors must attend a Quality Assurance Session within the State of Ohio in order to exhibit an animal at the Miami County Fair. The session must be conducted by a qualified instructor. Exhibitors ages 12-18 have t ...

  3. 4-H Cloverbud Advisor Meeting


  4. 4-H Older Youth Trip Scholarships

    State and national trip scholarships are now available! Trip applicants need only submit a “resume” and interview. The resume format and trip descriptions can be found at Resumes are due January 22. ...

  5. 4-H Rabbit Advisors Committee Meeting


  6. Cusac Memorial Bench Plastic Lid Sorting

    If you are looking for a service project for your school year or would like to contribute service hours to your 2019 4-H project(s) – we have something for you! Join us for the second plastic lid sorting party for the Cusac Memorial Bench.  Sign up for on ...

  7. Swine Committee Meeting


  8. 4-H Carteens

    The Miami County 4-H CARTEENS Program is held 9:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m., the 3rd Saturday of each month.  Sessions are conducted in the O.S.U. Extension meeting room on the ground floor of the Miami County Courthouse located at 215 W. Main St., Troy, OH.  A p ...

  9. 4-H Fundraising Committee Meeting


  10. Updates to eRequest and eTravel documentation procedures

    Effective January 25, 2019,  ATI is no longer requiring that an eRequest is submitted for travel-related pcard purchases.  All travel related expenses will be captured within the e-travel system under the approved travel request number.  ...
