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Search results

  1. Animals on Campus

    The University has a general “no pets” policy in all of its buildings. Pets are allowed on the grounds when leashed and under control. Service Animals are generally allowed to accompany their handlers in any building or public space where their handlers a ...

  2. CFAES Outstanding Student Organization Award

    Club advisors, please consider submitting your organization for the CFAES Outstanding Student Organization Award.  This is the link for the webpage that lists the awards: ...

  3. W-2 Information

    If employees have left the university, their online W-2 consent is withdrawn. Their W-2 will be mailed starting January 28th to their address in the HR System.  ...

  4. 2019 Great Decisions series at COW addresses global health

    The College of Wooster's annual Great Decisions series in on the topic of global health, a topic of interest to many on our campus. Click here for more information. ...

  5. Equity and Inclusion Workshop Opportunity

    Register for the February workshops  Equity and Inclusion workshops (Feb. 8 in Columbus; Feb. 22 in Wooster) is now underway. Titled “Identity, Power, and Privilege”, the program will explore what it means to have and lack privilege, the complexity of soc ...

  6. Staff Annual Reports due this week

    All staff employees must submit their 2018 Annual Reports to their immediate supervisor by January 31, 2019. ...

  7. Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI

    Check out Ohio State ATI's new student blog, Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI. ...

  8. January 30, 2019


  9. Paper Crafting and LED Light Workshop

    This Discover 4-H S.T.E.A.M. workshop is for children in grades 3-5.  Explore card marking, and create an origami LED light project.  The cost is $7 for non 4-H members and $5 for 4-H members.  The registration and payment deadline is January 28, 2019.  R ...

  10. Your Woods: Management and Liabilities

    You own a woodland but aren't sure how to deal with it.  We will talk about planning and implementing woodland management tools to ensure you meet your goals and objectives for the property. Once you own the property what are your legal responsibilit ...
