Search results

Search results

  1. Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. David R. Hawkins was inducted May 17 into the Animal Science Hall of Fame. ...

  2. Dr. Lynn Willett: Recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award

    Dr. Lynn Willett was honored Saturday, May 12, as a recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award for 2012. Dr. Lynn Willett received a Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science in 1966 from Colorado State University. He received a MS in Dairy Managemen ...

  3. Enrollment Appointment


  4. Who is my advisor?


  5. New Newsletter Format

    Welcome to the new format for the Monthly Roundup. The newsletter is now based out of the Department of Animal Sciences web site. ...

  6. OSU Academic Quadrathlon 2015

    Congratulations to the team of Jared Ashworth, Holden Hutchinson, Gabby Ruble, and Candace Lease, first place in the OSU Academic Quadrathlon. ...

  7. Friends and Colleagues Remembered

    With sadness, we report the passing of some friends and colleagues. ...

  8. 2015 CFAES and GSD Undergraduate Research Forum and Program

    Four animal sciences majors took home first and second place honors with their undergraduate research poster presentations and two animal sciences professors received recognition. ...

  9. February 2015


  10. AFRI Request for Applications Now Open

    The NIFA Request for Applications are now open in many different areas. ...
