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  1. Climate Change Impacts on Forests Research Focus for Fulbright Scholar

    October 5, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The impact of climate change on forests and the implications it may bring to the United States will be the research focus of Ohio State University agricultural economist Brent Sohngen when he travels to Edmonton, Alberta, ...

  2. Consider Alternatives to Late-Planted/Replanted Corn

    June 24, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Nearly all of the corn crop may be in the ground in Ohio, but unfavorable weather conditions may drive growers to plant an alternative crop in place of the small percentage of unplanted or replanted corn throughout the sta ...

  3. Chow Line: Your nose knows ripe cantaloupe (for 7/2/06)

    June 23, 2006 How can you tell cantaloupe if is ripe? I love it but rarely buy it because I'm never sure if it's good or not. With cantaloupe, experts say, it's all in the nose of the beholder. And now is a good time to put your sniffer to ...

  4. Chow Line: Weigh fish advisories against fish benefits (for 6/6/04)

    May 26, 2004 We usually eat a lot of fish in summer. Some of it we catch ourselves. Should we cut back? Eating fish has plenty of health benefits, and dietitians still recommend Americans eat more fish than we currently do. But with so many advisories abo ...

  5. Chow Line: What works for weight loss (for 9/4/05)

    August 26, 2005 I’ve been trying to lose weight all year (New Year’s resolution) but keep getting off track, and I’m losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over again. Any ideas? First, don’t beat yourself up. At leas ...

  6. Chow Line: Wheat berries tasty, nutritious (for 11/27/05)

    November 18, 2005 Wheat berries tasty, nutritious I recently went to a function where they served a wheat berry salad. I thought it would have berries in it, but then I realized "wheat berry" is one thing, not two. What are wheat berries? A whea ...

  7. Chow Line: When alarms sound, balance risk, benefits (for 9/10/06)

    September 1, 2006 I got an e-mail saying prewashed, bagged lettuce might have E. coli. Is it a hoax? Well, that's actually a tougher question than you might think. Back in October 2005, the Food and Drug Administration did, in fact, issue a warning a ...

  8. Chow Line: Whole grains a whole lot better (for 7/14/02)

    June 25, 2002 I happen to like whole-wheat bread, brown rice and other whole grains, but I have a hard time convincing my husband to try them. Can you list the reasons why whole grains are better for you? Whole grains offer numerous benefits over their st ...

  9. Chow Line: Work some soy protein into diet (for 3/16/03)

    March 7, 2003 I want to incorporate more soy into my diet. Any ideas? Soy is a great addition to any diet. It's a lean source of high-quality protein. While scientists and nutritionists are still learning lots about its affect on our overall health, ...

  10. Chow Line: Yogurt: It's the 'whey' to go (for 9/8/02)

    August 22, 2002 Sometimes when I open a container of yogurt, I find a bunch of watery stuff on top. Should I pour that off? No need to. That's just whey, and it's chock-full of nutrients. Stir it up and chow down. And while you're at it, pa ...
