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Search results

  1. Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security


  2. Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security


  3. Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security, Wooster


  4. Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security, Wooster


  5. Theses and Dissertations

    Theses and dissertations 2006-present. Sherwood, Patrick W. 2014 PhD Plant Pathology. Advisor: P. Bonello Acharya, Bhupendra 2014 MS Plant Pathology. Advisor: A.E. Dorrance Balk, Christine 2014 MS Plant Pathology. Advisor: A.E. Dorrance Marty, DeeMarie 20 ...

  6. Lockers

    Day Lockers Available to ATI Students Day Locker Policy Day Lockers are available to use for one day for anyone with a valid record in the OSUL database- no charge. Keys are available at the circulation desk and will be checked out to your library account ...

  7. Spring Symposium- First Year Grad Students

    Research proposals from first-year Plant Pathology graduate students.  203 Selby/Wooster, videolinked to 447 Kottman/Columbus. Presentation schedule > Flyer pdf Morning Session 10:30 – 10:50 Jaqueline Huzar Novakowiski (PhD, Dorrance) Sclerotinia stem ...

  8. OSU Extension Offers Shale Development Workshop for Landowners

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  9. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Alumni

    Graduate students Xiaoqing Rong completed her PhD in Plant Pathology in 2013. Her research focused on genomic analyses of biocontrol microorganisms and the molecular basis for pathogen suppression. She has experience with genomic sequencing and annotation ...

  10. Ohio State ATI Reaches a Milestone

    This year marks the 40th anniversary of Ohio State ATI's first graduation class of 110 students. We'd like to give you an idea of some of the changes that have occurred in the past 40 years and to that end have put together a video overview of t ...
