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Search results

  1. Science and Technology Policy of the US Government

    Bharat Bhushan, Professor, OSU Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, will present 'Science and Technology Policy of the US Government' in 219 Ag. Eng. Bldg and the FABE conference room in Wooster. This seminar is open to everyone ...

  2. Cognitive-Behavioral Lessons on Stress and Happiness in Academia

    Helena Rempala, Clinical Psychologist, OSU Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, will present 'Cognitive-Behavioral Lessons on Stress and Happiness in Academia' in 219 Ag. Eng. Bldg and the FABE conference room in Wooster. This seminar ...

  3. Tracking his Passion at Stone Lab

    Jeffry Hayes is a senior at The Ohio State University majoring in Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife. For Hayes, spending time with the subjects he was interested in outside of the classroom was a big part of the appeal of Stone Lab summer classes. Hayes la ...

  4. National Geographic Crittercam captures coyote running through Chicago streets

    SENR Wildlife Ecologist Stan Gehrt's urban coyote research is featured on National Geographic's website. The article,  Downtown Coyotes: Inside the Secret Lives of Chicago's Predator, describes some of Gehrt's newest research on how ur ...

  5. Sustaining Farming, People Despite Climate Change: Program Is Jan. 26

    January’s public program by the Environmental Professionals Network will look at humanity’s balancing act: Producing enough food and energy, improving economies and social conditions, and protecting the environment and biodiversity — all while faced with ...

  6. Building a National Food Policy from the Ground Up: If the Feds Can’t Do It, Can We?

    Join the John Glenn College of Public Affairs and Mark Winne for: Building a National Food Policy from the Ground Up: If the Feds Can’t Do It, Can We? Mark Winne, Co-founder of the Community Food Security Coalition, and a Kellogg Foundation Food and Socie ...

  7. Inequality, Economic Justice, and the Road to Food Security: A Special Seminar

    The Agroecosystems Management Program of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center of the College of Food, Agricultral, and Environmental Sciences welcomes Mark Winne, Co-founder of the Community Food Security Coalition, and a Kellogg Foundati ...

  8. WARN Training

    Join TerrAqua for WARN (Water Alert Reporting Network) training this Thursday (Feb. 2nd) at 6:30 p.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. This training will allow students to record and report suspected incidents of pollution or misconduct that could potentially harm ou ...

  9. Useful – to – Useable (U2U) Tools-- Utilizing Climate Information in Decision Making for Agriculture

    Dr. Dennis Todey, South Dakota State Climatologist, will present "Useful – to – Useable (U2U) Tools-- Utilizing Climate Information in Decision Making for Agriculture" in Fisher Auditorium. This seminar will introduce tools developed as part of ...

  10. Lee Johnston Leadership Award Nomination Deadline

    The  Lee Johnston Award  is presented to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding student leadership and involvement in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and stakeholders please nominate those stud ...
