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Search results

  1. Lilburn receives national poultry research award

    USPOULTRY  and the USPOULTRY Foundation have recognized  Mike Lilburn  (pictured, left), professor in CFAES’s  Department of Animal Sciences, as the 2016 recipient of the annual Charles Beard Research Excellence Award. USPOULTRY is the U.S. Poultry & ...

  2. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    Feb. 17: Give ’em the Pickle Customer Service We’re all in the same business — the people business. It’s not what we make or sell that’s critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers (internal and external) happy. ...

  3. Hendrick heading to Michigan State

    Interim CFAES Dean Ron Hendrick, a Michigan State University alumnus, has been recommended as dean of MSU’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. If approved by the MSU Board of Trustees, his appointment will be effective July 1. “I’m excited to w ...

  4. Information Session: New Zealand

    Location: 212 Animal Science  For more information, contact Kelly Newlon (.7) Attend this information session to learn more about the New Zealand study abroad program. This course, in conjunction with the course "Human and Animal Interactions in the ...

  5. Information Session: Dominican Republic

    Location: 382 Kottman Hall For more information, contact Kelly Newlon (.7) Attend this information session to learn more about the Dominican Republic study abroad program. This program studies the management of resources and gives students service learnin ...

  6. Information Session: Dominican Republic

    Location: 370 Kottman Hall For more information, contact Kelly Newlon (.7) Attend this information session to learn more about the Dominican Republic study abroad program. This program studies the management of resources and gives students service learnin ...

  7. Information Session: Antarctica

    Location: 333C Kottman Hall For more information contact Kelly Newlon (.7) Attend this information session to learn more about the Antarctica: Human Impact on a Fraglie Environment study abroad program. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experien ...

  8. NEWS- Four with Wooster connections honored by CFAES

    The CFAES Alumni Society sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals whose careers have enabled them to make significant contributions to the college. This year, four of the recipients have connections to the Wooster campus. They were honor ...

  9. Four honored with CFAES Awards

    The CFAES Alumni Society sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals whose careers have enabled them to make significant contributions to the college. This year, four of the recipients have connections to the Wooster campus. They were honor ...

  10. Healthy Meetings

    Planning Healthy Meals for Meetings Healthy Eating at Meetings OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Guidelines OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Materials Meeting Well- A Tool for Planning Healthy Meetings and Events ...
