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  1. Leading Multiple Generations online

    How are you managing the multi-generational workplace? The American workforce is much more diverse today than ever before in history, with the age range of employees spanning over 60 years. Each generation has its own unique values and behavior which can ...

  2. Leading Multiple Generations

    How are you managing the multi-generational workplace? The American workforce is much more diverse today than ever before in history, with the age range of employees spanning over 60 years. Each generation has its own unique values and behavior which can ...

  3. Stephanie Karhoff

    Stephanie Karhoff Assistant Professor, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems 1206 East Second Street, Ottawa, Ohio 45875 567-376-4019 Stephanie conducts applied research to identify best management practices for corn, soybean, wheat, and f ...

  4. My Ohio State University Calendar 2025

    If you haven’t done so, download and print your own My 2025 Calendar. The handy one-page calendar highlights important Ohio State University academic dates, university holidays and other US holidays and observances. Code is also available to stay up-to-da ...

  5. Volunteers sought for ODS exam assistance

    We are requesting your assistance in order to help us maintain test integrity during in-progress exams. ...

  6. Equine marketing class travels to 2024 Buckeye Classic Yearling Sale

    Ohio is ranked 4th in the nation for horse population and is home to 3 of the top 10 Standardbred sales in North America. This makes the Standardbred industry one of the largest equine industries in Ohio. In fact, more Standardbreds were born in Ohio than ...

  7. CFAES Holiday Open House

    Faculty Advisory Council, Staff Advisory Council, and Vice President and Dean Cathann Kress invite you to attend. ...

  8. Travel packages for postseason Buckeye football play

    The Buckeyes are gearing up for potential postseason play and you could be, too!   The Office of Student Life will again offer travel packages for students, faculty, staff and families to cheer on the Buckeyes in postseason play. Sign up on the bowl tour ...

  9. Congratulations, Maranda Berger Morrow!

    Maranda Berger Morrow won the Turfgrass Water Conservation Poster Competition in San Antonio at the International ASA CSSA and SSA meetings Nov 10-13. Berger Morrow is an MS advisee of Ed Nangle and Dominic Petrella, turfgrass faculty at ATI has been work ...

  10. November 27, 2024

