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Search results

  1. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    Corn and soybean harvest has started on some fields and will be starting soon in others.  Given the grain price situation, grain storage may be an important marketing strategy.  Grain storage is all about maintaining grain quality.  Before harvest starts, ...

  2. The Power of Positivity

    Last week many of us enjoyed a wonderful week at the fair.  After a rainy start, we were able to savor some beautiful fall weather while we talked and laughed with many friends that we don’t get to see very often.  It was also a wonderful time to observe ...

  3. Heartland Point Pickle Class- Cancelled


  4. PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology

    Find your article:   Need a  psychology database?   First, go to the Ebsco databases Check the boxes for the following: Academic Search Complete MedLine with Full Text Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Co ...

  5. Use of Hessian Fly-Free Date for Winter Wheat Planting

    I was recently asked if it was still necessary to follow the practice of planting winter wheat after the fly-free date.  This is a good question because it has been many years since we have had any kind of significant yield losses attributed to the Hessia ...

  6. Weed Control Before Wheat Planting

    Corn silage harvest is done or wrapping up and soybean harvest has started.  The earlier start to our harvest season should permit some timely weed control ahead of any planned winter wheat planting.  In a recent OSU Extension CORN newsletter, Mark Loux o ...

  7. Caring for Houseplants

    Here are several resources to help you care for your houseplants: "Growing Indoor Plants with Success"- University of Georgia Extension "Bromeliads"- Clemson Cooperative Extension "Succulents and Cacti"- North Dakota State Un ...

  8. Yield Monitor Calibration for Grain Harvest

    Increasingly yield maps are being used to make field level management decisions such as plant population, type of hybrid, fertilizer application, and soil drainage.  Sometimes yield maps are used for crop insurance information or provided to landowners as ...

  9. Meet Me At The Fair

    September brings colored leaves, Friday night football and one week of wonders at the Wayne County Fair.  Each day, activity at the fairgrounds adds a few more reminders that events will be happening very soon.  If you have never joined us in the Grange R ...

  10. Canner Testing

