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Search results

  1. Monroe County Successful Co-Parenting Class

    Monroe County has set their dates for 2018 for the Successful Co-Parenting Class and they are as follows: February 1 st April 5 th June 14 th August 2 nd October 4 th December 6 th All classes will be held at the OSU Extension office located at 101 N. Mai ...

  2. Monroe County Successful Co-Parenting Class

    Monroe County has set their dates for 2018 for the Successful Co-Parenting Class and they are as follows: February 1 st April 5 th June 14 th August 2 nd October 4 th December 6 th All classes will be held at the OSU Extension office located at 101 N. Mai ...

  3. Opioid Crisis in Ohio

    Opioid Crisis in Ohio Assistnat Professor and State Specialist  Mike Betz has made his 2017 All FCS Conference presentation and recently released policy brief "Taking Measure of Ohio's Opioid Crisis" available at: ...

  4. Grain Storage Management

    Grain storage management is important for the livestock manager dependent upon feeding good quality grain, as well as for the crop manager storing grain as a marketing strategy.  The following articles and publications provide guidelines and management de ...

  5. ZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...

  6. AquaZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...

  7. ZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...

  8. ZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...

  9. AquaZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...

  10. AquaZUMBA®

    $25 covers ALL classes for October, November and December. Register for both ZUMBA® and AquaZUMBA® for only $40. Come as you are able!! Class fees are NOT prorated, so please register early to get the most bang for your buck! Please bring a water bottle a ...
