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  1. Abnormal Corn Ears

    As we get into our corn grain harvest season, it will not be uncommon this year to see some abnormal corn ears.  A few weeks ago, Peter Thomison OSU Extension corn specialist wrote a very good article about this topic. Excessive rainfall followed by late ...

  2. Soil Sampling

    Fall is a good time of the year to sample soil.  Basic information included in standard soil tests include soil pH, buffer pH, soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity, soil nutrient levels for phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and base satu ...

  3. Solar Energy for Agricultural Production Workshop

    Solar energy use is growing and finding practical applications in a number of agricultural enterprises. Many agricultural operations have been able to take advantage of programs that help them to pay some of the installation expense.  Come an learn more a ...

  4. Caring for Houseplants

    Here are several resources to help you care for your houseplants: "Growing Indoor Plants with Success"- University of Georgia Extension "Bromeliads"- Clemson Cooperative Extension "Succulents and Cacti"- North Dakota State Un ...

  5. Daniel Voltz, Ph.D.

    Daniel Voltz, Ph.D. Associate Professor- Horticultural Technologies Division (Landscape) 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1293 Ph.D., Colorado State University Turfgrass Management ...

  6. Mark Schleppi

    Mark Schleppi Agronomy Program Specialist 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-287-1310 ...

  7. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    Corn and soybean harvest has started on some fields and will be starting soon in others.  Given the grain price situation, grain storage may be an important marketing strategy.  Grain storage is all about maintaining grain quality.  Before harvest starts, ...

  8. Grain Bin Safety Procedures

    Take some time before the harvest season to review safety procedures around the grain bin.  Anyone who works around the bins and grain handling equipment should know where to find shut-off switches, fire extinguishers, and emergency phone numbers.  Some g ...

  9. The Power of Positivity

    Last week many of us enjoyed a wonderful week at the fair.  After a rainy start, we were able to savor some beautiful fall weather while we talked and laughed with many friends that we don’t get to see very often.  It was also a wonderful time to observe ...

  10. Heartland Point Pickle Class- Cancelled

