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Soybean End of Season To-Do List
Soybean variety selection is the crucial first step to a successful year and bountiful harvest. In Ohio, we face many challenges and some of them were quite apparent in different parts of the state. Frogeye leaf spot, sudden death syndrome, white mold a ...
Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?
The long-standing recommendation has been to take the last harvest of alfalfa by early September in northern Ohio and mid-September in southern Ohio. Every year I observe that many people do not follow this recommendation, probably for various reasons. M ...
Fall Manure Application Tips
Silage harvest is moving along rapidly in Ohio, with corn and soybean harvest expected to be earlier this year than normal. Livestock producers and commercial manure applicators will be applying both liquid and solid manure as fields become available. For ...
Prepping Your Yield Monitor for the 2016 Harvest Season
As the use of precision agriculture continues to increase across the US, it is more and more important to ensure that all equipment is prepped, calibrated, and ready for a successful harvest. One of the more common uses of precision agriculture comes in ...
Weather Outlook
The forecast from last winter into spring for summer 2016 in Ohio continues to work out with generally warmer and drier weather. Over the region as the departure from normal map shows, it is drier than normal across much of Ohio and points northeast whil ...
Western Bean Cutworm Count Rising and Eggs Hatching
We have seen a large increase in Western Bean Cutworm catches (see figure), which is typical for this time of year. Given the heat in the forecast later this week, it might be safe to say that we are into peak flight. We have also heard of eggs hatching— ...
Inaugural Leadership Summit
This is an excellent professional and personal development opportunity, featuring keynote speaker Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, and an excellent leadership panel (see below). Planning efforts are being led by the Alber Enterprise Cen ...
Important Wheat Management Decisions
Among the questions that we have had to answer thus far this season as we get ready to plant wheat are: 1- What are the real dangers of planting wheat after wheat? 2- Now that we have an excellent group of fungicides, can we get away with planting wheat a ...
Bacterial Leaf Streak: Another New Corn Disease out West, but not yet in Ohio
Bacterial leaf streak (BLS), a foliar disease of corn caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum, was reported in the US for the first time in Nebraska and has since been found in several other states out west, including Kansas, Color ...
Western Bean Cutworm Infestation and Disease Issues
Reports of ear feeding by western bean cutworm (WBC) have come in at a steady pace over the last few weeks. This is the 3 rd consecutive year that we have seen a fair amount of feeding, some of it likely has led to an economic loss. The heaviest feeding h ...