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Search results

  1. Emeritus Profile: Ron Borton

    Ron Borton may not have been one of Ohio State ATI's original faculty members (he joined the faculty in the institute's second year), but he possibly wins the prize for most positions held. Ohio State ATI classes were being held in Phase I (now ...

  2. Facilities upgrades underway

    A variety of renovation projects have been underway at Ohio State ATI for the past several months, and many are nearing completion. Handicap accessible restrooms have been added to each floor in Halterman and Skou. In some locations, renovations were made ...

  3. Poultry Science Club Easter Egg Hunt

    The Poultry Science Club is hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt from March 27-29. Find eggs around the FAES campus and bring them to the Poultry Science Club table at Kottman Hall in the lobby from 12-4 PM on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for a prize. Lim ...

  4. Palmer Amaranth: A NEW Threat to Crop Production

    A Special Lunch & Learn Program Palmer Amaranth has been found in Mahoning County! Join us to learn control options- Featured Speaker:  Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Extension, Weed Scientist   Management starts now! This weed produces 100,000-500,000 seeds per ...

  5. School of Environment & Natural Resources Admitted Student Chat

    You're admitted to Ohio what?! Join us online for a chat and prepare for life as a Buckeye next fall! Log on to the following link: We look forward to connecting with you soon. Questions? Contact 614. ...

  6. Environmental Professionals Network Monthly Breakfast

    On Wednesday, April 17, Dr. Curt Meine will be our keynote speaker at the Environmental Professionals Network monthly breakfast.  The cost is $10 per person and registration is required.  Register for the breakfast at  ...

  7. Environmental Professionals Network movie screening: Green FireFire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time

    Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm the Environmental Professionals Network and the School of Environment and Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Society will host a viewing of the movie, Green Fire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time in the Ohio Union ...

  8. About Lindsay Hayward

    Why did you choose Ohio State ATI? ATI is very hands on. During your first week of classes you are already in the field experiencing things you would in your career. Why did you like Wooster? It is a small agricultural-based community which reminded me of ...

  9. 2013 Diversity Leadership Symposium: Enriching our Cultural Competencies

      The Diversity Leadership Symposium at The Ohio State University was created to provide an inter departmental professional development event in the area of inter‐cultural competence for higher education professionals and college students. It was designed ...

  10. ACT Members Attend 2013 Professional Development Conference

    The Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow attended the 2013 Professional Development Conference in Fayetteville, Arkansas hosted by the University of Arkansas. Nine students from Ohio State had the opportunity to network with other students studying agri ...
