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Digital Camera (Canon)
Digital Camera (Canon) Canon Digital SLR Camera Model: EOS Rebel XTi Contents: camera with cap, battery & memory card (in camera), 2 lenses with caps on both ends, battery charger, USB cable, instruction manual, quick start guide You will need to char ...
Carts All carts have wheels and three shelves. Individual details listed below (pictured left to right in photo) Tall, black, metal cart: 24.5" x 18.5" x 42.5" tall electric cord is 19.5' long cord plugs into wall, then there are three ...
CD Player
CD Player Emerson Model PD6607 17"L X 6.5"H X 6.5"D This is a portable CD player/AM FM radio/cassette recorder with a headphone jack Records directly to the cassette recorder (records from the radio or CD player) Operates via AC plug or can ...
Focus on Flavor
New Ohio State center aims to unearth secrets to make foods healthier COLUMBUS, Ohio — What if commercially made whole-wheat bread tasted just as good as its refined-wheat counterpart? What if you could enjoy the guilty pleasure of eating a bag of potato ...
Beef Facility
Ohio State ATI's beef cattle handling facility is the only one of its kind in Ohio. Designed by renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin, the facility provides students with the opportunity to learn animal handling methods that are both humane and ...
NEWS: New Greenhouse Program Launched
(Wooster, Ohio) August 3, 2016 – The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute (Ohio State ATI) recently approved a new greenhouse engineering technology specialization in their greenhouse and nursery management major. This program is unique ...
Creative Writing samples due
Writing sample for Project # 588 The Writer in You ...
Pickaway Co 4-H Camp Registrations Due
Pickaway Co 4-H Camp Scholarship Applications Due
Pickaway Co Fair Pre Judging
BY APPOINTMENT- Please Call 740-474-7534 to schedule at time ...