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My Summer Research With the Emerald Ash Borer
From the CFAES Blog > Research Michael Falk, Environmental Science major (research internship, P. Bonello lab) Over the course of my summer internship in the Department of Plant Pathology, we traveled to the Tollgate research plot in Novi, Michigan to ...
My Summer Internship at Fort Detrick, Maryland
From the CFAES Student Blog > Internships Elizabeth Roche, Plant Pathology This summer I was a USDA Wallace Carver Intern working at the USDA ARS Foreign Disease – Weed Science Research Unit in Fort Detrick, Maryland. I worked specifically with the use ...
Short Course, OFA- The Association of Floriculture Professionals, Columbus
Plant Disease Diagnostics (PLNTPTH 5685) July 10-19
Carmen Help
Carmen has an extensive help system with a good search function. If your issue/topic is not addressed below, please use the Carmen Help system. Accessing Carmen: Sign in to Carmen with your name.# and password just like for your email. If you have not ...
ATI Historical Archives
The ATI Library is digitizing the school's historical archives and making them available to the public. This is an ongoing project that began in April 2010. Physical items that cannot be digitized are available for physical use in the ATI Library. Cu ...
To provide excellent customer service and information assistance to all patrons. The ATI Library is dedicated to: Supporting the missions of ATI and the OSU Libraries Facilitating access to information resources Promoting information literacy and lifelong ...
Class Instruction At the request of the instructors, librarians teach various topics to classes including: how to research (finding books, articles, etc.) MLA citation how to avoid plagiarism This takes place in the library computer lab if the class has 2 ...
Agronomy Field Day, South Charleston, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Lawncare Seminar, OARDC Fisher Auditorium, Wooster