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Search results

  1. New Weed Science resources

    A couple of new resources on weed identification and herbicide site of action from OSU weed science:  - We have developed an iBook for weed ID, “The Ohio State University Guide to Weed Identification”.  This is a really nice resource to download onto an i ...

  2. OARDC Agronomy In-service: March 5 and 6, 2015

    The 2015 OARDC Agronomy In-service is fast approaching. This in-service is designed to give Extension Educators, Certified Crop Advisors, and stakeholders up-to-date and hands-on training on disease, insect, fertility, and general crop management issues f ...

  3. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

    The Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference (CTC) will soon be upon us.  This year it will be held Tuesday, March 3 and Wednesday, March 4 at Ohio Northern University in Ada.  Each year the CTC gives farmers and crop consultants an opportunity to ...

  4. Maumee RAP

    Maumee Area of Concern, including the Lower Maumee River, Ottawa River, Swan Creek, Duck Creek and Otter Creek, Cedar, Crane, Turtle, and Packer Creeks, and the Toussaint River. Lucas, Wood, Ottawa Cherie Blair Maumee RAP Coordinator Ohio EPA 347 N. Dunbr ...

  5. Indian Lake Watershed Project

    Indian Lake Logan, Hardin, Auglaize Vicky Boots Executive Director 324 Co. Rd. 11 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 (937) 593-2946 (937) 592-3350 05080001-010 The Indian Lake Watershed Project was created to fa ...

  6. Maumee River Advisory Council

    Maumee River Paulding, Defiance, Henry, Wood, Lucas Christina Kuchle Northwest Ohio Scenic River Manager 952 Lima Avenue Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 429-8306 04100005, 04100009 Ohio p ...

  7. Partners for Clean Streams

    Lower Maumee River, Ottawa River, Swan Creek, Duck Creek and Otter Creek, Cedar, Crane, Turtle, and Packer Creeks, and the Toussaint River. Lucas, Wood and Ottawa Kristina Patterson Executive Director PO Box 203 Perrysburg, OH 43552 419-874-0727 Executive ...

  8. Sunday Creek Watershed Group

    Sunday Creek Perry, Athens, Morgan Michelle Shively Watershed Coordinator 19627 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 157 Trimble, OH 45782 (740) 767-2225 The Sunday Creek Watershed Group is committed to restoring and preser ...

  9. Raccoon Creek

    Raccoon Creek Hocking, Athens, Meigs, Vinton, Jackson, andGallia Amy Mackey Watershed Coordinator Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership & Public Affairs Ohio University The Ridges- Building 22 Athens, OH 45701 (740) 597-1473 w ...

  10. Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture

    "Growing Cities: A Film About Urban Farming in America" is a documentary that examines urban agriculture as a way to help growers develop local food systems, said Mike Hogan, an OSU Extension educator and sustainable agriculture coordinator. Hog ...
