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  1. The February Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connections Webinars Are Now Available for Viewing On Line.

    The Soybean Production program featured  Everything but the Kitchen Sink: High Input Soybean Production with  Dr. Laura Lindsey, State Specialist Soybean & Small Grains Production, Ohio State University Extension and an Updates on Fungicides and Resis ...

  2. Weather Outlook Remains Unchanged

    Temperatures will remain below normal for the remainder of March and likely into a good part of April. Precipitation will be near normal. Based on historic years like this winter, the last date of a freeze is usually 1-2 weeks later than normal. This woul ...

  3. Weather outlook for March to May calls for near normal temperatures.

    Winter will go down as much colder than normal with above normal snowfall and slightly above normal precipitation. Temperatures across Ohio for winter will end averaging 3 to 9 degrees below normal from southeast to northwest. Precipitation will average 1 ...

  4. Register on-line for Conservation Tillage Conference by February 26th

    We are winding down on winter agronomy programs. One big program yet to go is the Conservation Tillage Conference. The CTC will be held March 4 & 5 in Ada Ohio at the Ohio Northern University. Programs this year include: March 4 th-  Corn University w ...

  5. The 2014 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 10-14, 2014

    The 2014 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 10-14 at the Fulton SWCD in Wauseon. This year’s program includes three sessions: 1) Agricultural subsurface drainage: System design and installation; 2) Drainage water management: Controlled drainage s ...

  6. All Ohio Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society Winter Meeting and Conference Scheduled

    The All Ohio Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society will be holding their Winter Meeting and Conference titled, “Can Agriculture Significantly Reduce Off-Site Movement of Soluble Nutrients?” on Monday, March 17, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4:40 pm ...

  7. Spread of giant ragweed across the North Central Region – results of a CCA survey

    Weed scientists at OSU recently completed a survey of Certified Crop Advisors across the North Central region to determine the relative abundance of giant ragweed, and the factors influencing its spread. The results of this survey are summarized in a Powe ...

  8. 2014 Conservation Tillage Conference, CCAs and Continuing Education

    The Conservation Tillage and technology Conference annually attracts 900 attendees, who say this is one of the best crop production conferences in Ohio. The program this year will be held March 4th & 5th, in Ada Ohio on the Ohio Northern University ca ...

  9. Webinar on Western Corn Rootworm

    Corn producers may be interested in this upcoming webinar at 2 PM (Eastern Time Zone) on February 20th.  This webinar features experts on western corn rootworm (WCR) biology and management from the western corn belt.  There has been a renewed interest in ...

  10. Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum to Take Place February 18

    You are invited to attend a free, live broadcast of the National Conference on Cover Crops and Soil Health and discuss how to build soil health, improve yields, curb erosion, manage pests and build resilience in your farming system. On Feb. 18, locations ...
