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Kids Cooking Camp
Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp OSU Extension and Local Bounty Coshocton are collaborating to offer the fifth annual Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp this summer. This year the format for the camp will change from that of years past. The single day, da ...
Get Your Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification
CANFIELD, Ohio — It seems you can never know enough about fertilizer these days. A June 22 field day is designed to help answer questions about applying fertilizer, and after the event, participants can obtain the required state certification for anyone w ...
Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens
COLUMBUS, Ohio — With 32 people infected, Ohio has the highest number of Salmonella cases in a recent outbreak involving 47 states where people had contact with backyard poultry flocks. Two experts from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...
FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens
Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens COLUMBUS, Ohio — With 32 people infected, Ohio has the highest number of Salmonella cases in a recent outbreak involving 47 states where people had contact with backyard poultry ...
Horses For Sale
Please contact the Equine Center for the most up-to-date information on horses for sale. Aspen Adams Horse Herd Manager 330-698-7669 ...
From Forest to Furniture Tour
MANSFIELD, Ohio — A June 20 tour in northern Ohio will show how trees get turned into products, including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people find it an eye-opening experience,” said co-organizer Kathy Smith, a forestry expert at The Ohio Sta ...
Thinking about Growing Hops? Consider this Field Day
PIKETON, Ohio —As the craft brew market continues to grow in Ohio, this could be prime time to tour a field of hops and learn what it takes to start one. The June 15 Hops Field Day at the Ohio State University South Centers will offer attendees guidelines ...
Environmental Professional Network’s Public Breakfast Club
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A pocket of Columbus has its own smaller pockets, and they’re rich with plants and wildlife. The next Environmental Professionals Network breakfast program will explore these biodiversity oases and how residents are working to protect the ...
June 8: Discover the Nature of Clintonville's Ravines
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A pocket of Columbus has its own smaller pockets, and they’re rich with plants and wildlife. The next Environmental Professionals Network breakfast program will explore these biodiversity oases and how residents are working to protect the ...
Google Scholar
Google Scholar Remember, Google and Google Scholar DO NOT search the entire internet because they cannot access library databases and other databases within a website. Google Scholar is a great way to search for scholarly literature without using a librar ...