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  1. Overholt Drainage School-Session 1

    SESSION I. Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Design, Layout and Installation Overholt Drainage School Program Objective: Provide continuing education for land improvement contractors, soil and water conservation technicians, farmers, engineers, consultants ...

  2. Ohio Pesticide Commercial Applicator Recertification Conferences-Columbus

    Complete requirements for Ohio commercial pesticide recertification in one day. Speakers include Ohio State University Extension state specialists, field specialists, and researchers. Ohio Department of Agriculture personnel and key industry leaders are a ...

  3. Webinar-Agronomic Utilization of Manure Nutrients

    A series of 4 webinars will be made available in 2015 for Ohio Crop Farmers. This is the fourth program with the focus on agronomic utilization manure with the topics of manure as a nutrient source for crops and alternative application timing to take adva ...

  4. Advanced Field Crop Mgt.

    The 2015 agronomy workshops are scheduled for March 5 and 6, 2015 on the OARDC Wooster campus of The Ohio State University. This continuing program, offered every other year, is designed to give Extension Educators, ag retailers and Certified Crop Adviser ...

  5. Introductory Field Crop Mgt.

    The 2015 agronomy workshops are scheduled for March 5 and 6, 2015 on the OARDC Wooster campus of The Ohio State University. This continuing program, offered every other year, is designed to give Extension Educators, ag retailers and Certified Crop Adviser ...

  6. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC)

    Hold 2015 dates March 3&4, Ada, OH McIntosh Center Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio CTC is Sponsored by: • Ohio State University Extension and OARDC • Northwest Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Districts • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Servi ...

  7. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    For Certified Crop Advisers who would like to become a NRCS Certified Nutrient Management Plan Provider Planner or NRCS/SWCD personnel or others wanting to use MMP software. What the Day is about? Gain a working knowledge of  two software packages MapWind ...

  8. Overholt Drainage School-Session 2

    SESSION 2. Drainage Water Management: Controlled Drainage System Purpose, Benefits, Design, Layout and Installation Overholt Drainage School   Program Objective: Provide continuing education for land improvement contractors, soil and water conservation te ...

  9. Overholt Drainage School-Session 3

    Overholt Drainage School   Program Objective: Provide continuing education for land improvement contractors, soil and water conservation technicians, farmers, engineers, consultants, sanitarians, and others interested in advancing their knowledge of basic ...

  10. Corn Yield Prediction

    Two procedures that are widely used for estimating corn grain yields prior to harvest are the YIELD COMPONENT METHOD (also referred to as the "slide rule" or corn yield calculator) and the EAR WEIGHT METHOD. Each method will often produce yield ...
